Pentest week 7, The Final Countdown

Penetration testing week 6

This week the course will be wrapping up with some refreshers on previous weeks and a little something new in the form of remote access trojans.

Links to exercise sections

a) Previous course posts

b) Coursemates' exploit collection

  • Here is Riku's nice explanation on setting up on the Drive-By Compromise technique with XSS injection: XSS and BeEF

    • start BeEF
    • generate hook.js that connects infected user to it
    • inject script tag with source set to hook
    • gather information and exploit while infected browser is open
  • Eemil goes over how to use John the Ripper in his post

    • basic command
      • john --rules --wordlist=wordlist.txt --format=Raw-MD5 hash.txt
    • results saved in pot file in home-directory by default
      • ~/.john/john.pot
    • viewing results
      • cat the pot file
      • john --show --format=Raw-MD5 hash.txt
        • use same format and hash file as when cracking
  • Niko goes in-depth in how to use Nessus, a GUI vulnerability scanner in his post

    • Documentation examples use a version requiring creating a user
      • Niko had problems trying to get an account
    • A lot of the documentation seems old
    • Free version comes with limited time use
    • Opens a https-service that can be used with your browser
    • Scans set targets and creates vulnerability reports
  • Otto shows how to use hydra to bruteforce a web-login form in his post

    • Command template
      • hydra <Username/List> <Password/List> <IP> <Method> "<Path>:<RequestBody>:<IncorrectVerbiage>
    • Otto's example command
      • hydra -L userlist.txt -P /usr/share/wordlists/fasttrack.txt http-post-form "/dvwa/login.php:username=^USER^&password=^PASS^&Login=Login:Login failed"
    • Seems like USER and PASS are used to refer replaceable fields
    • Login seems to refer to the login POST button
    • Login fail message is given so hydra recognizes successful tries
    • Returns valid credentials if any

c) RAT

I will be making a remote access trojan targeting windows machines. I have installed a windows 10 virtual machine for this and set it up on the VBox host-only network so that I can get a connection to my Kali machine. First I generate the payload with msfvenom.


I then serve the pwd with python3 -m http.server 80 so that I can download the generated file to my windows machine, but I get an error first that I can't download the file because windows recognizes that it has a virus. I then take down protection for a moment so that I can test this.



Now I setup msfconsole so that I can open the connection when the file is executed on the windows machine. I make sure to use the same payload as with the msfvenom generated one so that it works.


Now that everything is in order I run the executable on windows and get a connection. This attack vector seems quite unusable unless you generate the payload in a different way or find a way to encode it so that windows defender doesn't notice it.


d) HTB ownage

On Hack The Box I have 6 system owns on the active machines as of now.


z) Reading summary

HackTricks: PowerView

  • A collection of PowerShell scripts
  • Easy enumeration and information gathering on target windows machine
    • domain information
    • users, groups, computers
    • session information
    • files and file servers

0xffsec: MSRPC

  • Microsoft Remote Procedure Call
  • Default ports
    • RPC Endpoint Mapper: 135
    • HTTP: 593
  • An interprocess communication mechanism for client/server communication
  • Can be enumerated with impacket for
    • RPC endpoints
    • user accounts, resource shares, etc.
  • By default allows null sessions to SMB
    • allows querying the SMB without credentials

0xffsec: SMB

  • Server Message Block
  • Default ports
    • SMB over NBT: 139
    • SMB over TCP: 445
  • Version scan in msfconsole
  • Enumeration tools
    • enum4linux
      • enum4linux -a
    • nmap scripts
      • nmap --script "safe or smb-enum-*" -p 139,445
    • smbclient
      • smbclient -N -L //
  • Some default shares
    • C$
      • C Drive
    • Admin$
      • Windows installation dir
    • IPC$
      • inter-process communication
      • domain controller shares
    • PRINT$ and FAX$
      • printer and fax shares
  • IPC$ allows communication to processes on remote machine
    • some Windows versions allow null authentication to it
      • limited privileges but can still be useful for information
